Tyner Pond Farm

Tyner Pond Farm

We worked with Tyner Pond Farm — a wholistic direct-to-consumer farming cooperative in Indiana — to develop a series of explanatory positioning and banding videos for their website, for digital marketing and explaining the amazing thing they do to reporters and other influentials.

What’s cool is that Tyner uses the Joel Salatin method of rotating cows, pigs and chickens over the same organic grass fields.  As Chris says “We’re basically grass farmers, not cattlemen.  We take care of the grass and everything else takes care of itself.”  There’s no fertilizer, no seed, no feed, just growing grass in the sun.  Cows come first, eat the “candy” of the big weeds and flowers, leave behind their manure for natural fertilizer.  Then the pigs come by and eat more of the grasses down to their roots…and leave their manure behind.  Then free range chickens come by, at the grubs out of the manure and scatter it all about.  Consumers can order directly from TPF online and meet and other products get delivered straight to their doors.  Very cool business.   You can see all the videos here.


We worked with Tyner Pond Farm — a wholistic direct-to-consumer farming cooperative in Indiana — to develop a series of explanatory positioning and banding videos for their website, for digital marketing and explaining the amazing thing they do to reporters and other influentials.


What’s cool is that Tyner uses the Joel Salatin method of rotating cows, pigs and chickens over the same organic grass fields.  As Chris says “We’re basically grass farmers, not cattlemen.  We take care of the grass and everything else takes care of itself.”  There’s no fertilizer, no seed, no feed, just growing grass in the sun.  Cows come first, eat the “candy” of the big weeds and flowers, leave behind their manure for natural fertilizer.  Then the pigs come by and eat more of the grasses down to their roots…and leave their manure behind.  Then free range chickens come by, at the grubs out of the manure and scatter it all about.  Consumers can order directly from TPF online and meet and other products get delivered straight to their doors.  Very cool business.   You can see all the videos here.


Jeff Siebert of Banana Bones Productions did all the hard work. He’s amazing.